Front lit and back lit sign board Front lit and back lit sign board
Front lit & back lit signs, manufacturer GR Symbols & digitals Front lit & back lit signs, manufacturer GR Symbols & digitals
Front lit & back lit signs, manufacturer GR Symbols & digitals Front lit & back lit signs, manufacturer GR Symbols & digitals
Led stand sign board, GR symbols and digitals Led stand sign board, GR symbols and digitals

Explore Versatile Front & Back lit signs

Brilliance from Every Angle: Front & Back Lit Signs Illuminate Your Brand

  1. Enhance visibility day and night with vibrant illumination.
  2. Create a striking visual impact with dual lighting effects.
  3. Customizable designs to match any brand identity.
  4. Durable and weather-resistant for long-lasting outdoor use.

Front & Back Lit Signs– Detailed description

Front and Back Lit Signs are advanced signage solutions that utilize illumination techniques to enhance visibility and aesthetic appeal from both the front and the back of the sign.
Front lit and back lit sign board

Front Lit Signs:

Front lit signs are illuminated from the front, typically using LED or fluorescent lights placed within or behind the face of the sign. The light shines directly onto the surface of the sign, making the graphics and text highly visible.
Back Lit Signs:

Back lit signs, also known as halo lit or reverse lit signs, are illuminated from behind. The light sources are positioned to project light onto the mounting surface or wall, creating a glowing halo effect around the edges of the sign.
Enhanced Visibility: Day and Night Visibility: Both front and back lit signs ensure high visibility in various lighting conditions, making them effective for both daytime and nighttime use.
Bright Illumination: The use of LED lights ensures bright and consistent illumination, enhancing the readability and attractiveness of the sign.
Striking Visual Impact:

Dual Lighting Effects: Combining front and back lighting creates a striking visual impact, with the front lighting illuminating the sign’s content and the back lighting adding a glowing halo effect.
Aesthetic Appeal: The dual lighting effect adds depth and dimension to the sign, making it more visually appealing and attention-grabbing.

Design Flexibility: Front and back lit signs can be customized in terms of size, shape, color, and design to match any brand identity or aesthetic preference.
Material Options: These signs can be made from various materials, including acrylic, metal, and polycarbonate, allowing for different textures and finishes.

Weather Resistance: Constructed from durable materials, these signs are designed to withstand various weather conditions, making them suitable for outdoor use.
Long-lasting: LED lights are energy-efficient and have a long lifespan, reducing maintenance and replacement costs over time.
Business Signage:

Storefronts: Enhance the visibility and attractiveness of retail stores, restaurants, and other businesses with illuminated signs that draw in customers.
Corporate Offices: Create professional and eye-catching building signage that reflects the company’s brand identity.
Wayfinding and Directional Signs:

Public Spaces: Improve navigation in public areas like airports, hospitals, and shopping malls with illuminated directional signs that are easy to spot and read.
Parking Facilities: Use front and back lit signs to clearly mark entrances, exits, and other important areas in parking lots and garages.
Advertising and Promotional Signs:

Billboards: Increase the effectiveness of outdoor advertising campaigns with bright, illuminated signs that capture the attention of passersby.
Event Signage: Enhance the visibility and impact of signs used for events, exhibitions, and trade shows.
Technical Aspects
Lighting Technology:

LED Lights: Most front and back lit signs use LED lights due to their energy efficiency, brightness, and long lifespan. LEDs are also available in a variety of colors, allowing for creative lighting effects.
Light Distribution: Proper placement and diffusion of lights are crucial for achieving even illumination and the desired halo effect.

Mounting Options: Signs can be mounted directly onto walls, poles, or other structures, with the lighting elements securely housed within or behind the sign.
Electrical Requirements: Installation includes connecting the sign to an electrical power source, often with considerations for weatherproofing and safety.
Increased Brand Visibility:

Enhanced visibility both day and night helps businesses stand out, attract more customers, and reinforce brand presence.
Attractive Design:

The combination of front and back lighting creates a modern and sophisticated look, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the signage.

LED technology offers energy savings and lower maintenance costs due to its long lifespan and durability.
Versatile Application:

Suitable for various applications, including retail, corporate, wayfinding, and advertising, making them a versatile choice for different signage needs.

In summary, front and back lit signs are powerful tools for enhancing visibility and aesthetic appeal, offering customizable and durable solutions that effectively communicate brand messages and improve the overall look of any space.

Front & Back lit signs

₹1200.00/Sq. Foot*

Extremely attractive 3D Acrylic LED glow sign boards for your store front

Example Costing:
₹28800.00 for print size of 4 feet X 6 feet (24 square feet X ₹1200.00 per foot)

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