Van Huesen , 3D acrylic signs, Gr symbols & digitals Van Huesen , 3D acrylic signs, Gr symbols & digitals
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3D acrylic sign board 3D acrylic sign board

Explore Versatile 3D Acrylic Sign boards

Illuminate Your Brand: Stand Out with 3D Acrylic Sign Boards

  1. Offers vibrant, eye-catching displays for enhanced brand visibility.
  2. Durable and weather-resistant for both indoor and outdoor use.
  3. Customizable in various shapes, colors, and sizes to fit any brand identity.
  4. Provides a sleek, modern look that elevates professional appeal.

3D Acrylic Signs– Detailed description

3D acrylic sign boards are signage solutions made from acrylic material that feature three-dimensional elements to create a visually striking and impactful display.

3D acrylic sign board

Definition: 3D acrylic sign boards are signage panels crafted from acrylic sheets, which are known for their clarity, durability, and versatility. The “3D” aspect refers to the raised or layered design elements that give the sign depth and dimension, making it stand out more than traditional flat signs.


Material Properties: Acrylic, also known as plexiglass, is a transparent thermoplastic often used as a lightweight and shatter-resistant alternative to glass. It comes in various thicknesses and colors, allowing for a wide range of design possibilities. Acrylic is also UV-resistant and weatherproof, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.


Design and Customization: The design of 3D acrylic sign boards involves cutting and layering acrylic sheets to create raised letters, logos, and other design elements. These elements can be cut using precision tools like laser cutters to achieve intricate shapes and details. The signs can be customized in terms of size, color, font, and style to match the specific branding and aesthetic requirements of a business or organization.


Illumination Options: Many 3D acrylic sign boards incorporate lighting elements, such as LED backlighting or edge lighting, to enhance visibility and create a dramatic effect, especially at night. The illumination adds an extra dimension to the sign, making it more eye-catching and ensuring it stands out in various lighting conditions.


Applications: 3D acrylic sign boards are used in a variety of settings, including retail stores, corporate offices, restaurants, hotels, and trade shows. They are ideal for storefront signage, lobby displays, directional signs, and promotional displays. Their high-quality appearance and versatility make them suitable for conveying a professional and modern image.


Installation and Maintenance: These signs are relatively easy to install, often mounted on walls or other surfaces using standoff hardware that further enhances the 3D effect by creating a shadow behind the sign. Maintenance is straightforward; acrylic is easy to clean with mild soap and water, and its durability ensures long-lasting performance with minimal upkeep.


Advantages: The main advantages of 3D acrylic sign boards include their high aesthetic appeal, durability, and versatility. They can effectively attract attention, convey a premium image, and withstand various environmental conditions without losing their clarity or color. Additionally, the ability to customize these signs extensively means they can be tailored to fit any branding strategy.


In summary, 3D acrylic sign boards are a sophisticated signage option that combines the clarity and durability of acrylic material with the visual impact of three-dimensional design elements. They are customizable, versatile, and suitable for a wide range of applications, making them a popular choice for businesses looking to create a strong and lasting impression.

3D acrylic Signs

₹1200.00/Sq. Foot*

Extremely attractive 3D Acrylic LED glow sign boards for your store front

Example Costing:
₹28800.00 for print size of 4 feet X 6 feet (24 square feet X ₹1200.00 per foot)

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Finish

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